@article{oai:phoenix.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001067, author = {飯干, 紀代子 and 田上, 美年子 and 倉内, 紀子 and Kurauchi, Noriko and 笠井, 新一郎 and 山田, 弘幸 and 苅安, 誠 and 鈴木, 啓 and 柴田, 亜矢子 and 白垣, 潤 and 永野, 真美 and イイボシ, キヨコ and タノウエ, ミネコ and クラウチ, ノリコ and カサイ, シンイチロウ and ヤマダ, ヒロユキ and カリヤス, マコト and スズキ, ヒラク and シバタ, アヤコ and シラガキ, ジュン and ナガノ, ナオミ and IIBOSHI, Kiyoko and TANOUE, Mineko and KURAUCHI, Noriko and KASAI, Shinichiro and YAMADA, Hiroyuki and KARIYASU, Makoto and SUZUKI, Hiraku and SHIBATA, Ayako and SHIRAGAKI, Jun and NAGANO, Naomi}, journal = {九州保健福祉大学研究紀要, Journal of Kyushu University of Health and Welfare}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), A survey was conducted to understand the nature and management of persons with speech-language-hearing (SLH) and related disorders in facilities of child welfare and the elderly in Nobeoka city, last year. This study we evaluated a case of 39-vear-old female with head injured in facility of welfare elderly in Nobeoka city for SLH. The results indicated treble hearing loss, ataxic dysarthria, aphasia and memory disorder. We performed therapy for dysarthria, aphasia and memory disorder in SLH clinic of our university. For SLH who couldn’t come to our university we plan a remote diagnostic system. Then it was concerned it was necessary to evaluate 3 aspects such as SLH at least and treat them. It is hoped to establish the system of the evaluation and management of SLH and related disorders in these facilities in Nobeoka city.}, pages = {213--217}, title = {延岡市の福祉施設における言語聴覚障害児・者の実態について (第2報) 福祉施設に通所中の一症例に対する援助}, volume = {3}, year = {2002}, yomi = {イイボシ, キヨコ and タノウエ, ミネコ and クラウチ, ノリコ and カサイ, シンイチロウ and ヤマダ, ヒロユキ and カリヤス, マコト and スズキ, ヒラク and シバタ, アヤコ and シラガキ, ジュン and ナガノ, ナオミ} }