@article{oai:phoenix.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001071, author = {富森, 美絵子 and 福本, 安甫 and 岩城, 哲 and 小野, 公治 and 弓削, 真一郎 and トミモリ, ミエコ and フクモト, ヤスホ and イワシロ, サトル and オノ, キミハル and ユゲ, シンイチロウ and TOMIMORI, Mieko and FUKUMOTO, Yasuho and IWASHIRO, Satoru and ONO, Kimiharu and YUGE, Shinichiro}, journal = {九州保健福祉大学研究紀要, Journal of Kyushu University of Health and Welfare}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), The purpose of this study was to develop an occupational therapy program for an adult with autism based on the assessment of his active engagement in some activities and daily living. Information was gathered through structured and naturalistic (ecological) observation as well as from the members of the interdisciplinary team including psychiatrists, a clinical psychologist, and trainers. Although he had severe impairments in social interaction, communication, and behavior, which affected his independent living in the facilities, he could actively engage in occupations that met his sensory needs and interests. His occupations may not be considered as meaningful activities for other people, however, “his occupations” should be centered when we provide any services for his life.}, pages = {243--251}, title = {知的障害者総合福祉施設における青年期自閉性障害の作業について : 本人の自発的行動に注目した作業療法評価とプログラムの立案}, volume = {3}, year = {2002}, yomi = {トミモリ, ミエコ and フクモト, ヤスホ and イワシロ, サトル and オノ, キミハル and ユゲ, シンイチロウ} }