@article{oai:phoenix.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000493, author = {土永, 典明 and ツチナガ, ノリアキ and TSUCHINAGA, Noriaki}, journal = {九州保健福祉大学研究紀要, Journal of Kyushu University of Health and Welfare}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), Until 1975, the importance of caring for elderly patients suffering from dementia was not sufll addressed, that is, the possibility of healing was not explored. However, in the recent years, thcr been much interest and concern regarding the illness. Various ways, some in concrete forms hav devised aimed at improving care of patients with different conditions. For example in the imbecility group home eare, it is a well-known fact that group their conditi* ine mli be greatly improved by keeping a mental balance. Doing simple light chores, such as preparing together or shoppiing together stimulate one's conscious concentration by way of recollection. the process leads to rehabilitation remedy. Since care treatment is not involved in this proce subject of care bears no relation to the illness. The group home care concept is ideal simc patients-from five to nine-arc placed in the same living environment, where they take tin nsing domestic chores, drawing from their talents and skills. The author received a report concerning a with care treatment". After moving into the group home, the women patients were required light chores on their own, "the number of women patients in need of care came down from three Some were able to fit themselves with diapers and were able to take a few footsteps. The author will explore this ease study based on the facts made available' in the report. The aulti will discuss the needs of subject patients and how care should be put into practice in group homes.}, pages = {149--158}, title = {痴呆性高齢者グループホームにおけるケアのあり方について : 利用者主体の暮らしとケアの実現}, volume = {4}, year = {2003}, yomi = {ツチナガ, ノリアキ} }