@article{oai:phoenix.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000495, author = {松田, 隆治 and 福本, 安甫 and 小川, 敬之 and 岩城, 哲 and 富森, 美絵子 and 濱島, 善次郎 and 苅安, 誠 and マツダ, リュウジ and フクモト, ヤスホ and オガワ, ノリユキ and イワシロ, サトル and トミモリ, ミエコ and ハマシマ, ゼンジロウ and カリヤス, マコト and MATSUDA, Ryuji and FUKUMOTO, Yasuho and OGAWA, Noriyuki and IWASHIRO, Satoru and TOMIMORI, Mieko and HAMASHIMA, Zenjiro and KARIYASU, Makoto}, journal = {九州保健福祉大学研究紀要, Journal of Kyushu University of Health and Welfare}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), Eating and swallowing functions are said to be influenced by the alignment of head, trunk, and pelvis. Whether both feet contact the floor also influences these functions. We hypothesized that a stable sitting position enables sufficient eating motion for the subject who has difficulty in maintaining an upright sitting position. Position of head, upper trunk, and lower trunk of the subject tended to shift toward to her right side while seated on her dinning chair. This sitting position prevented her from smooth ingestion, and caused spilling and difficulties during biting and swallowing. Correction of the alignment of upper trunk, lower trunk, and rotational distortion between upper and lower trunk provide her with a stable sitting. The influence of abnormal sitting position on eating motion may result in difficulties in ingestion and swallowing, in manipulating chopsticks with the upper extremities, and in the movements of head (head and neck flexion) and trunk (flexion). Environmental factors including height of table and chair, distance between them, and the setting of meal may also affect food intake. The influence of changes in sitting position on the function in upper extremities was found to be a topic for the future investigation.}, pages = {167--172}, title = {作業活動時の坐位姿勢に関する研究(第2報) : 食事動作時の坐位姿勢について}, volume = {4}, year = {2003}, yomi = {マツダ, リュウジ and フクモト, ヤスホ and オガワ, ノリユキ and イワシロ, サトル and トミモリ, ミエコ and ハマシマ, ゼンジロウ and カリヤス, マコト} }