@article{oai:phoenix.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000499, author = {小川, 敬之 and 福本, 安甫 and 松田, 隆治 and 富森, 美絵子 and 山崎, きよ子 and オガワ, ノリユキ and フクモト, ヤスホ and マツダ, リュウジ and トミモリ, ミエコ and ヤマサキ, キヨコ and OGAWA, Noriyuki and FUKUMOTO, Yasuho and MATSUDA, Ryuji and TOMIMORI, Mieko and YAMASAKI, Kiyoko}, journal = {九州保健福祉大学研究紀要, Journal of Kyushu University of Health and Welfare}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), When the family doing life together becomes dementia, confusion of family is thought that there isan immeasurable thing in the circumference. But, everyday life is no which it waited for, and it can't always perplex it. A concrete countermeasure toward those conditions becomes necessary. However, how to catch it is vague, and serious dementia is being done as for the mild dementia , too. But, when the daily life of the dementia old man is observed firmly, it is understood that there is a difference in the way that a life difficulty appears. This time, life was done at home, and it the condition figure that it had the older adults with dementia using day care and dayservic seen at the life scene in five types. It is reported because a family, careworker, a occupational therapist etc did a discussion about the environment maintenance of the type with dementia and so on one rank respectively and a consideration was done.}, pages = {191--197}, title = {在宅痴呆性高齢者の住環境}, volume = {4}, year = {2003}, yomi = {オガワ, ノリユキ and フクモト, ヤスホ and マツダ, リュウジ and トミモリ, ミエコ and ヤマサキ, キヨコ} }