@article{oai:phoenix.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000538, author = {梅田, 靖次郎 and ウメダ, ヤスジロウ and UMEDA, Yasujiro}, journal = {九州保健福祉大学研究紀要, Journal of Kyushu University of Health and Welfare}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), Industrialized society has shifted into "post-industrialized society, " where one's fulfillment and quality of culture have become indexes of peoples happiness. The quality of life depends not on the standard of living but on the way to live one's life suitable for himself. J. Dumazedier emphasizes the usefulness of the leisure activities for one's mental growth. Leisure and sports in the post-industrialize society are now the clues to what society should be. The sports are now played in pursuit of consummately value, becoming aims or what one lives for. Following R. Callois, it can be argued that experience of pays leads to personal growth, and voluntary and subjective motivation underlies sport activities. Fulfilling one's leisure activities is synonymous with playing sports defined by Callois.}, pages = {141--150}, title = {脱工業化社会状況におけるレジャーとスポーツに関する研究 : Q. O. L. の視点から}, volume = {5}, year = {2004}, yomi = {ウメダ, ヤスジロウ} }