@article{oai:phoenix.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000579, author = {波多野, 義郎 and 佐藤, 広徳 and 久下, 浩史 and 松田, 智香子 and 柿山, 鉄二 and 上田, 留理 and 藤川, 秋子 and 佐藤, 信博 and 福田, 修 and 眞竹, 昭宏 and 福元, 清剛 and ハタノ, ヨシロウ and サトウ, ヒロノリ and クゲ, ヒロシ and マツダ, チカコ and カキヤマ, タツジ and ウエダ, ルリ and フジカワ, アキコ and サトウ, ノブヒロ and フクダ, オサム and マタケ, アキヒロ and フクモト, キヨタカ and HATANO, Yoshiro and SATO, Hironori and KUGE, Hirohshi and MATSUDA, Chikako and KAKIYAMA, Tatsuji and UEDA, Ruri and FUJIKAWA, Akiko and SATO, Nobuhiro and FUKUDA, Osamu and MATAKE, Akihiro and FUKUMOTO, Kiyotaka}, journal = {九州保健福祉大学研究紀要, Journal of Kyushu University of Health and Welfare}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), In an attempt specify the QOL and ADL characteristics of the middle and high aged (mean age being 62.5 years) people in relation with fitness levels and physical resource functions, respective test and measurement event tool place in March, 2004, having 173 adult citizens of Nobeoka City, Miyazaki. As physical resourece measurement, muscular volumes of thigh and lower leg were measured by means of limb circumference picture recording system. In terms of muscular strength testing, strain-gage instrument system was applied on the lower limb when attempting to extend the knee joint. The walking ability was tested having the subjects to walk freely and vigorously for 10meters each occasion to see the power of the lower extremity, actually measureing the time necessary to cover between 2 and 8 meters points from zero spot. A qurestionnaire survey was also carried abouto lifestyles (8 questions), risk factors (10 questions), QOL (12 questions) and activity points (5 questions). From the results, certain tendencies of lifestyle, degenerative desease risk factors, quality of life and ADL level, in relation with the physical strength measurements of this subject group were pointed out.}, pages = {11--18}, title = {延岡在住中高齢者グループにおける身体機能測定成績と日常生活活動能力(ADL)、生活の質(QOL)について}, volume = {6}, year = {2005}, yomi = {ハタノ, ヨシロウ and サトウ, ヒロノリ and クゲ, ヒロシ and マツダ, チカコ and カキヤマ, テツジ and ウエダ, ルリ and フジカワ, アキコ and サトウ, ノブヒロ and フクダ, オサム and マタケ, アキヒロ and フクモト, キヨタカ} }