@article{oai:phoenix.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000589, author = {田中, 陽子 and TANAKA, Yoko and 長友, 真実 and 前田, 直樹 and 栗山, 和広 and KURIYAMA, Kazuhiro and 高山, 巌 and タナカ, ヨウコ and ナガトモ, マミ and マエダ, ナオキ and クリヤマ, カズヒロ and タカヤマ, イワオ and TANAKA, Yoko and NAGATOMO, Mami and MAEDA, Naoki and 栗山, 和広 and KURIYAMA, Kazuhiro and TAKAYAMA, Iwao}, journal = {九州保健福祉大学研究紀要, Journal of Kyushu University of Health and Welfare}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), Mental health careo for abused chiledren in orphanages has been understandeveloped in the field of both social welfare and clinical psychology. This article reviews psychotherapy for abused children in an orphanage and constructs up a model of effective mental care. Currently it is estimated that more than 50% of children in orphanages experience child abuse, the rate of which has dramaticaly increased year by year. In this regard, the orphanage is forced not only to foster children but also to provide mental health care for aubsed children. The common psychotherapy for abused children so far is play therapy, basically performed by clinical psychologists. Environment therapy from a psychological point of view has also been introduced.}, pages = {95--102}, title = {児童養護施設における被虐待児への心理的ケアに関する研究 (1)}, volume = {6}, year = {2005}, yomi = {タナカ, ヨウコ and ナガトモ, マミ and マエダ, ナオキ and クリヤマ, カズヒロ and タカヤマ, イワオ and クリヤマ, カズヒロ} }