@article{oai:phoenix.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000591, author = {山崎, きよ子 and 山西, 裕美 and 片岡, 靖子 and ヤマサキ, キヨコ and ヤマニシ, ヒロミ and カタオカ, ヤスコ and YAMASAKI, Kiyoko and YAMANISHI, Hiromi and KATAOKA, Yasuko}, journal = {九州保健福祉大学研究紀要, Journal of Kyushu University of Health and Welfare}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), Basing on the previous research outcome on family violence, we organized a training course for people who would work as advisory volunteers for family violnece victims. There were six trainig sessions provided in N-city-from June to August 2004. The authors participated as lectures and aprticipated in all training sessions. Characters of this training included; 1) introduction of social welfare assistance techiniques for all family violence, not restricted to violence against spuse or women withouto legal marital status, 2) introduction of the value of social welfare. Role-playing methods were employed for articipants in this trining so as to image an actual consultaiton with violence victims. The number of applicants for this training course was 36 but only 13 completed all sessions. Evaluaiton reports indicated that the evalutions for this training was generally good and further training was suggested so that attendants would be able to become capable advisory volunteers for family violence victims.}, pages = {113--122}, title = {家庭内暴力に対する市民ボランティア相談員養成の試み (II) : 市民相談員に必要な知識と技術}, volume = {6}, year = {2005}, yomi = {ヤマサキ, キヨコ and ヤマニシ, ヒロミ and カタオカ, ヤスコ} }