@article{oai:phoenix.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000602, author = {富森, 美絵子 and 福本, 安甫 and トミモリ, ミエコ and 福本, 安甫 and TOMIMORI, Mieko and 福本, 安甫}, journal = {九州保健福祉大学研究紀要, Journal of Kyushu University of Health and Welfare}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), Recently, the sensory modulation disorder is hypothesized to be the background of the behaviors demonstrated by autistic children. We conducted a single case study focusing on the child7s sensory needs. Throughout the occupational therapy sessions, the therapist used the cues of the child's sensory characteristics, which made him intrinsically motivated. As a result, his motor planning and his communication skills were improved. Moreover, the perspectiveo of sensoty modulation helped his family to understand his behaviors. In order to feneralize the effects of intervintion, invironmental adjustments and managemant of his daily life were also crucial for him. Early intervention is found to be important for family members as well as sutistic children themselves.}, pages = {205--213}, title = {自閉症障害児のための感覚調整の特徴を生かした作業療法}, volume = {6}, year = {2005}, yomi = {トミモリ, ミエコ and フクモト, ヤスホ and Fukumoto, Yasuho and フクモト, ヤスホ and Fukumoto, Yasuho and フクモト, ヤスホ and Fukumoto, Yasuho} }