@article{oai:phoenix.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000605, author = {小川, 敬之 and 山崎, きよ子 and オガワ, ノリユキ and ヤマサキ, キヨコ and OGAWA, Noriyuki and YAMASAKI, Kiyoko}, journal = {九州保健福祉大学研究紀要, Journal of Kyushu University of Health and Welfare}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), Classificaiton of dementia is based on the neuropsychological diagnoses. This type of classification, however, is not helpful for rehabilitaiton stuff. Nureses, and caregivers to have an image for care giving. In order for people working with those elders to understand their clinical condetions and to have an image for care giving, we developed a classification based on the behavioral characteritics of the sample of 132 elders (mean age±SD :72.2±6.8, sex:93femal) with dementia at home. Five different types were extracted including "borderline type", "semi-borderline type", " anxious and hyperactive type", "multi-trouble type" and " quiet and occasionaly motion type". The "borderline type" and the " semi-borderline type" had not been identified using the classification based on the neuropsycological symptoms. This type of classification may provide those people working with elders with dementia ans family members with common understanding of their behavioral characteristics.}, pages = {229--234}, title = {在宅痴呆性高齢者の状態像に関して(第1報)}, volume = {6}, year = {2005}, yomi = {オガワ, ノリユキ and ヤマサキ, キヨコ} }