@article{oai:phoenix.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000914, author = {吉武, 美鈴 and 田村, 省悟 and 石橋, 篤 and 吉弘, 和展 and 岡野, 真弓 and 内川, 義和 and 藤山, 由紀子 and 高木, 満里子 and 深井, 小久子 and 内田, 冴子 and ヨシタケ, ミスズ and タムラ, ショウゴ and イシバシ, トク and ヨシヒロ, カズノブ and オカノ, マユミ and ウチカワ, ヨシカズ and フジヤマ, ユキコ and タカキ, マリコ and フカイ, サクコ and ウチダ, サエコ and YOSHITAKE, Misuzu and TAMURA, Shogo and ISHIBASHI, Taku and YOSHIHIRO, Kazunobu and OKANO, Mayumi and UCHIKAWA, Yoshikzu and FUJIYAMA, Yukiko and TAKAKI, Mariko and FUKAI, Sakuko and UCHIDA, Saeko}, journal = {九州保健福祉大学研究紀要, Journal of Kyushu University of Health and Welfare}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), To investigate the adequate use of contact lenses (CL) and the necessity health guidance to prevent ocular disorders, we conducted a questionnaire survey regarding the use of CL and the presence or absence of ocular disorders in 127 students from whom informed consent regarding the survey contents was obtained. Seventy students (55.1%) used CL. The make-to-female ratio was 1:2. The mean interval from the start of CL application was 5.1±2.4 years. The types of CL consisted of hard CL in 12.9% of the 70 students, conventional soft CL (SCL) in 21.4%, frequent-replacement SCL (2 weeks) (FRSCL) in 50.0%, and daily disposable SCL in 15.7%. The proportion of students using FRSCL was the highest. The duration of wearing CL per day ranged from 12 to 14 hours; students wearing CL over many hours accounted for more than 50%. Concerning their experience regarding CL-related ocular disorders, 62.9% reported a history of oculopathy, including severe cases such as endophthalmitis. These results suggest that a method to inform CL users of the risk of CL-related ocular disorders, which develop despite appropriate care and periodic consultations, should be examined.}, pages = {187--191}, title = {大学生のコンタクトレンズ使用状況および使用に関する実態調査}, volume = {10}, year = {2009}, yomi = {ヨシタケ, ミスズ and タムラ, ショウゴ and イシバシ, トク and ヨシヒロ, カズノブ and オカノ, マユミ and ウチカワ, ヨシカズ and フジヤマ, ユキコ and タカキ, マリコ and フカイ, サクコ and ウチダ, サエコ} }